AIU's Lunch & Learns for 2025
What’s a Lunch & Learn?
Adrenal Insufficiency United’s Lunch & Learn Events are one day mini-conferences located in different cities in the USA. We find great local speakers to lead sessions and give presentations about issues affecting those with adrenal insufficiency. These one day events will be packed full of opportunities giving attendees more chances to ask questions, share their own experiences and network with fellow members of the community.
Los Angeles California
Where: Glendale Embassy Suites by Hilton: 800 North Central Ave, Glendale, CA
When: Saturday May 3rd 9:00 a.m – 4:00 p.m.
Costs: Early Bird Registration $50 per person (through April 1st)
Parking: Included in early bird registration or $12 per vehicle after April 1st
Speakers Include:
Dr. Mimi Kim from CHLA
Dr. Anat Benshlomo from Cedars-Sinai
Dr. Run Yu from UCLA
Brenda Manzanarez a Clinical Dietician at CHLA
Cynthia Munoz a Clinical Psychologist at CHLA
Jason Dunn Board Member & Medical Liaison- Adrenal Insufficiency United (AIU)
Injection Training will be available for those who need it. Please bring your expired vials and syringes.
Schedule & Topics
8:00 a.m. registration and networking begins.
Session 1: 9:00 – 10:30 Dr. Anat Ben-Shlomo – AI and Cognition
Session 2: 10:45 – 12:15 Dr. Mimi Kim – AI Dosing, Stress Dosing, Emergency/Pre-Crisis and Crisis
Lunch 12:15 – 1:15
1:15 – 2:00
Dr. Mimi Kim – General Adrenal Insufficiency in children birth to teens…transition to adult care etc.
Dr. Anat Ben-Shlomo – Steroid induced AI and Steroid Withdrawal discussion
Dr. Run Yu – General Adrenal Insufficiency in adults
2:15 -3:00
Brenda Manzanarez- Nutrition
Drs. Yu and Kim- CAH Focused in adults & Children
Cynthia Munoz – Mental Health for adults with AI
3:15 – 4:00
Cynthia Munoz – Mental Health for families of children with AI
Brenda Manzanarez – Nutrition
Jason Dunn – AI and Tactical Planning
Portland Oregon
Where: Portland Oregon: Oregon Health Science University Conference Center: located on the on Waterfront @ 3410 S Bond Ave, Portland, OR 97239
When: Tuesday March 25th 9:30 a.m – 3:30 p.m.
Costs: Registration $25 per person.
Parking: OHSU offers on-site parking for $18. Carpooling is encouraged.
Optional Outing: AIU has secured a limited number of tickets to the Portland Trailblazers Game on Tuesday night. We’d love for you to join us.

Additional Lunch & Learns
- Los Angeles, CA on Saturday May 3rd. @ Embassy Suites by Hilton 800 North Central Ave
- Phoenix, AZ on Saturday November 8th. This is during the Cushing’s Support & Research Foundation conference.
Would you like to plan a Lunch & Learn in your city this year? It’s not too late.
Contact us!
Schedule & Topics
9:30 a.m. Check in and networking
10:00 a.m. – 11:30 a.m. Session on Adrenal Insufficiency presented by Chris Yedinak, M.N., F.N.P, D.N.P.
11:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. Lunch Provided:
- Take your lunch and join in a conversation with one of our presenters or with a new group of friends!
12:30 p.m. – 3:30 p.m. Afternoon Break Out Group Proposed Topic: You’ll be able to attend at least two.
- Jason Dunn RN, CSRN will provide injection training.
- Jason will also lead a discussion on managing adrenal insufficiency and how to best advocate for yourself while working with your health care provider.
- Learning to identifying pre-crisis and adrenal crisis
- Chris will lead a group for those with secondary and tertiary adrenal insufficiency
- Chris will have an additional break out group for an open ended Q & A discussion.
- An SSI/Disability attorney will be sharing information on how to apply.