Adrenal Insufficiency United


Big News!

 Adrenal Insufficiency United is excited to share this update from Adrenas on their gene therapy trial for Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia. We are thankful for this dedicated group of individuals who care deeply for our community.  AIU has provided this addition information to aid in your understanding of the graph seen in the letter below.  Data from

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Shared Stories
Guest Blogger

What do you call a group of Zebras?

Posted Dec 28, 2018 By: Laree Martin  What do you call a group of zebras? No, I’m not joking—really, do you know what you call a group of zebras?    I didn’t either until recently.Many of us are familiar with the use of the term “zebra” in the medical community to refer to an unexpected or

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Shared Stories
Guest Blogger

When Bloodwork isn’t Just Bloodwork

When Bloodwork isn’t Just Bloodwork Jan 28,  2019  Guest Blogger: Amber Today, after one stick and lots of needle adjusting, a sweat and tear soaked 4 year old and her mama stepped out of the lab room and into a silent waiting room with no less than 6 adults who looked upon a

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Learning about adrenal insufficiency

Adrenal Insufficiency in the Classroom: What every teacher needs to know

One of your students jumps off the swing and lands hard breaking his arm. Parents are called and the next day he shows up with a blue cast for all the kids to sign.
Now imagine this child is Adrenal Insufficient (AI), he doesn’t produce cortisol. Without immediate and appropriate treatment, he could be dead in 30 minutes or less.

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