Adrenal Insufficiency United

Welcome to Our Resource Library

Our goal is to create an informative hub where you can easily find the resources you need. Simply select a category to sort through the available files.

A heartfelt thank you to the Adrenal Insufficiency Coalition for discovering and sharing many of the valuable links in this library with AIU. We also extend our gratitude to our members and healthcare providers who have contributed to this collection.

A story of courageAwareness

YouTube Video with interviews

AIU PatreonSocial Mediasocial
AIU on PinterestSocial Mediasocial
AIU on TwitterSocial Mediasocial
AIU on YoutubeSocial Mediasocial
AIU on instagramSocial Mediasocial
AIU on linkedinSocial Mediasocial
Solucortef Injection Training from the SUCCEED clinicEmergency, Injection Instructions

YouTube video

emergency injection
White Board videoAwareness, Emergency

Short video about emergency protocols

aware emergency
AlabamaEmergency, Protocols

State Wide Protocol

emergency protocols
North CarolinaEmergency, Protocols

State Wide Protocol

emergency protocols
ConnecticutEmergency, Protocols

State Wide Protocol

emergency protocols
PennsylvaniaEmergency, Protocols

State Wide Protocol

emergency protocols
MassachusettsEmergency, Protocols

State Wide Protocol

emergency protocols
MaineEmergency, Protocols

State Wide Protocol

emergency protocols
New HampshireEmergency, Protocols

State Wide Protocol

emergency protocols
MarylandEmergency, Protocols

State Wide Protocol

emergency protocols
MichiganEmergency, Protocols

State Wide Protocol

emergency protocols
Rhode IslandEmergency, Protocols

State Wide Protocol

emergency protocols
MontanaEmergency, Protocols

State Wide Protocol

emergency protocols
VermontEmergency, Protocols

State Wide Protocol

emergency protocols
New JerseyEmergency, Protocols

State Wide Protocol

emergency protocols
WyomingEmergency, Protocols

State Wide Protocol

emergency protocols
ArizonaEmergency, Protocols

State Wide Protocol

emergency protocols
ArizonaEmergency, Protocols

State Wide Protocol

emergency protocols
WisconsinEmergency, Protocols

State Wide Protocol

emergency protocols
GeorgiaEmergency, Protocols

State Wide Protocol

emergency protocols
EMS training PPEmergency, Provider Resources

EMS training

emergency providers
Managing Adrenal InsufficiencyAdrenal Insufficiency, Self Care

From the National Institutes of Health

ai101 care
Solu-Cortef Administration-PhotosEmergency, Injection Instructions

Picture instructions for solu-cortef

emergency injection
Oregon Training Protocol for SchoolsAdrenal Insufficiency, Emergency, Provider Resources, School Resources

Training on AI created by the state of Oregon

ai101 emergency providers school
Oregon Heath Dep. Info on AIEmergency, Provider Resources, School Resources

Information on AI on the State of OR website

emergency providers school
Support for Spouse, Family, FriendsSocial Media, Support Groups

Facebook group for those supporting adults with AI

social support
Adrenal Insufficiency SupportSocial Media, Support Groups

Facebook group for adults with AI

social support
Parents/CaregiversSocial Media, Support Groups

Facebook group for those supporting children with AI

social support
Service DogsSocial Media, Support Groups

Facebook group to discuss service dogs

social support
Confirmed AI conditionsAdrenal Insufficiency, Related Conditions

A list of conditions that can coexist or cause AI

ai101 related
School Resources/ParentsSchool Resources

A folder of downloads parents may find helpful

School LegislationAwareness, School Resources

Bills passed allowing staff to administer medications for adrenal insufficiency

aware school
Tapering GuideAdrenal Insufficiency

Glucocorticoid Tapering Guide from the Adrenal Insufficiency Coalition

Adrenal Crisis PathwayEmergency

Created by Professor Peter Hindmarsh at GOSH and CAH IS US

Illness GuideAdrenal Insufficiency, Self Care

Created by Professor Peter Hindmarsh at GOSH and CAH IS US

ai101 care
Sick Day RulesAdrenal Insufficiency, Self Care

What to do when ill from the National Institutes of Health

ai101 care
Emotional Health PresentationAdrenal Insufficiency, Self Care

Chronic Conditions and Mental Health by Kyle Gillett (adults & children)

ai101 care
TexasEmergency, Protocols

Protocols for counties in Texas

emergency protocols
ForidaEmergency, Protocols

Protocols for counties in Florida

emergency protocols
OregonEmergency, Protocols

Protocols for counties in Oregon

emergency protocols
North CarolinaEmergency, Protocols

Protocols for counties in North Carolina

emergency protocols
New YorkEmergency, Protocols

Protocols for counties in New York

emergency protocols
Washington DCEmergency, Protocols

Protocols for DC

emergency protocols
ArizonaEmergency, Protocols

State Wide Protocols Adults/Children

emergency protocols
MichiganEmergency, Protocols

State Wide new

emergency protocols
MissouriEmergency, Protocols

Protocols and Danny’s Dose Legislation

emergency protocols
WashingtonEmergency, Protocols

Protocols for counties in Washington State

emergency protocols
Testing InfoAdrenal Insufficiency

Tests for Adrenal Insufficiency

EMS Training MaterialsEmergency, Provider Resources

MA EMS Training/Case Studies/Up the Creek without a Paddle presentation

emergency providers
Picture CardsAwareness

Picture Cards for schools—uses photos to help explain low cortisol

Emergency LetterEmergency

From the Endocrine Society

Visiting the EMS StationAwareness, Emergency

A folder with downloads of samples to share with EMS

aware emergency
Adrenal InsufficiencyResearch Articles

An article by Wiebke Arlt, Bruno Allolio with estimated population numbers of those affected by AI

CHIP InfoAdrenal Insufficiency, Self Care

Eligibility  The Children’s Health Insurance Program

ai101 care
SSI ChildrenAdrenal Insufficiency, Self Care

Info on SSI for Children

ai101 care
Awareness VideosAwareness

A folder with some Quick Time and Slide Show Videos to raise awareness

Testing BrochuresAdrenal Insufficiency

Brochures about testing for AI created by the Adrenal Insufficiency Coalition

Got Protocol? (Cards)Emergency

Cards to personalize to promote awareness on the need for crisis protocols

AI Awareness Profile PictureAwareness

Templates you can personalize and use made by Tara S for AIU

AI LogosAwareness

A folder of Adrenal Insufficiency Logos with specific conditions

Print At HomeEmergency

Our stickers and cards in pdf form for you to print (Personal Use Only-may not be sold)

AIU BrochureAwareness

A brochure about Adrenal Insufficiency United

SSI AdultAdrenal Insufficiency, Self Care

Info on SSI for Adults

ai101 care
Therapy of Endocrine DiseaseResearch Articles

National Institutes of Health recognizes the need for more education on AI

Electrolytes and HydrationAdrenal Insufficiency, Research Articles, Self Care

Merck Manual explains the process of dehydration

ai101 research care
Affect of Hydrocortisone DoseResearch Articles

HC in Secondary AI Patients

Thyroid and AIAdrenal Insufficiency, Related Conditions, Research Articles

Consequence of taking this thyroid medication without proper adrenal support

ai101 related research
AI and Hospital admissionsEmergency, Research Articles

Increased morbidity and hospital admissions in patients with adrenal insufficiency

emergency research
IGA DeficiencyResearch Articlesresearch
Adrenal Failure and GlucocorticoidsResearch Articles, Secondary Adrenal Insufficiency, Tertiary Adrenal Insufficiency

Adherence to glucocorticoid treatment guidelines improved, but risk for adrenal failure remains

research sai tai
AI & Emergency MedicineEmergency, Research Articles

Adrenal Crisis in Emergency Medicine

emergency research
Adrenal crisis and severe acute adrenocortical insufficiencyEmergency, Research Articles

Affects of being undiagnosed or ineffectively treated

emergency research
AI Patients…Crisis EducationResearch Articles

Adrenal Insufficiency Patients Require More Education on Adrenal Crisis

Extensive Expertise in EndocrinologyResearch Articles

Adrenal Crisis European Society of Endocrinology: Dr Bruno Allilo

Therapy of Endocrine DiseaseResearch Articles

Perspectives on the management of adrenal insufficiency: clinical insights from around Europe

Addison’s Disease – MayoPrimary Adrenal Insufficiency, Research Articles

From the Mayo Clinic

pai research
Addison’s Disease – NIHPrimary Adrenal Insufficiency, Research Articles

From the NIH

pai research
Corticosteroid – secondaryAIResearch Articles, Secondary Adrenal Insufficiency

Inhaled corticosteroids and Secondary Adrenal Insufficiency, 2014

research sai
Corticosteroid – side effectsResearch Articles, Secondary Adrenal Insufficiency, Tertiary Adrenal Insufficiency

Corticosteroid-related central nervous system side effects

research sai tai
Adrenal SuppressionResearch Articles, Secondary Adrenal Insufficiency, Tertiary Adrenal Insufficiency

screening and management

research sai tai
Steroids and AsthmaResearch Articles, Secondary Adrenal Insufficiency, Tertiary Adrenal Insufficiency

A link between the use of steroids to treat asthma and adrenal insufficiency

research sai tai
Gene Therapy VideoAdrenal Insufficiency Research Trials, Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia


research-2 cah
Adrenas Trial WebsiteAdrenal Insufficiency Research Trials, Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasiaresearch-2 cah
Adrenas Info & ResourcesAdrenal Insufficiency Research Trials, Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasiaresearch-2 cah
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