Looking for Answers? Support? Education? Resources? We're here for you!
Adrenal Insufficiency United (AIU) is dedicated to supporting individuals and caregivers
affected by adrenal insufficiency; empowering them with education, resources,
community building, and legislative advocacy. AIU is a 501(c)(3)

Adrenal insufficiency can often go unnoticed in our society because those who are affected either persevere through the difficulties or become isolated and unseen. Adrenal Insufficiency can be caused by several conditions, most of them rare. For many with AI, locating knowledgeable physicians and receiving appropriate treatment can be very challenging.
A good strong system plays a crucial role in enhancing quality of life. Adrenal Insufficiency United (AIU) offers support to patients and their families. We encourage you to engage with others through our Facebook groups, Video Support Sessions, Conferences and Local Gatherings to connect and find the support you need.

On this website we aim to provide valuable resources to enhance your understanding of adrenal insufficiency. We also recommend exploring our archive of past conference sessions.
Our next large patient conference will be in 2026. We’re also planning some short one day mini-conferences in 2025 and will post updates here.

Awareness & Action
AIU is dedicated to raising awareness and fostering a deeper understanding of the needs of our community. Our efforts have, on occasion, resulted in legislative action being taken.

We are an organization dedicated to supporting individuals impacted by adrenal insufficiency (AI). There are many conditions, which can lead to AI, most of them rare. As we are not experts on all of these conditions we actively seek to collaborate with other patient organizations within the rare disease community to provide comprehensive support.

We Get It!
We empathize with you! Each member of our team at Adrenal Insufficiency United has a personal connection to adrenal insufficiency.
Learn more about how Adrenal Insufficiency affects those in our community.
Why we started
Before social media, we were virtually alone. While we struggled to understand this disease, we watched our loved ones suffer. Plagued by nightmares about what would happen if we weren’t there to give our loved ones the injection to save their lives, many of us felt anger, depression, hopelessness, and frustration. We could not accept that this was the best care possible. We knew there had to be something better. In our own ways we fought, but we fought alone.
Then along came the internet and social media. We started to find each other and see that we WE WERE NOT ALONE! We realized that we must unite as one voice to effectively create change. We banded together, a grassroots group of patients and loved ones, selling cupcakes, and knocking on government doors, and Adrenal Insufficiency United was born.
Every person affected by adrenal insufficiency deserves a chance to reach their full potential.
Our governing body is, and will always be, comprised of those affected by adrenal insufficiency.
We pledge to never lose sight of why this group was started.
We welcome anyone affected by Adrenal Insufficiency !
adults with AI - parents - family - friends - coworkers - teachers - health care providers